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Tatra 613 - dobová reportáž z nehody z roku 1984
Tatra 613 - report from a crash in 1984
Length: 00:28
Size 4,5 Mb
Sent by: Peter
Year of publication: 1984
Source: TV Grab:ČT24
Tatra 623 - dobová reportáž z roku 1983
Tatra 623 - report from 1983
Length: 03:23
Size 23 Mb
Sent by: Peter
Year of publication: 1983
Source: TV Grab: ČT24
Rychlost má cenu zlata
Speed has the price of gold
Length: 19:07
Size 159 Mb
Sent by: Peter
Year of publication: ?
Source: Archív
Hečkovci - Láska v praxi videoklip
Hečkovci - Láska v praxi music video
Length: 04:20
Size 21 Mb
Sent by: Petr613
Year of publication: 1987
Source: Archív
Serie videi z akce Kolin 2008
Video series from Kolin 2008 meeting
Length: 19:24
Size 153 Mb
Sent by: DRracer
Year of publication: 2008
Source: DRracer
Kolin 2008
T138 lanovy autobagr
Modely v kamenolomu
Modely - navijak
Videoklip Thank God It's Friday, ktorý obsahuje Tatru 603
Music Video Thank god it's friday, featuring Tatra 603
Length: 3:13
Size 52 Mb
Sent by: Cenda
Year of publication: 2007
Source: Cenda
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Videoklip Wake Up, ktorý obsahuje Tatra 613
Music Video Wake Up, featuring a Tatra 613
Length: 5:09
Size 81 Mb
Sent by: Cenda
Year of publication: 2008
Source: Cenda
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Tatra 613-S a Tatra 613-2 v relácii Udalosti, fakty, komentáre
Tatra 613-S and Tatra 613-2 in the show Udalosti, fakty, komentáre
Length: 5:14
Size 55 Mb
Sent by: Etienne
Year of publication: 2007
Source: Etienne
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Akcia Červený kameň 2005, zostrih z celej akcie
Red rock 2005 event, whole event directors cut
Length: 4:11
Size 38 Mb/38 Mb
Sent by: Etienne
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Etienne
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Akcia Červený kameň 2005, zostrih z hradu
Red rock 2005 event, castle directors cut
Length: 3:32
Size 31 Mb/31 Mb
Sent by: Etienne
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Etienne
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Reklama na Nicorette
Nicorette advertising
Length: 0:30
Size 6,8 Mb
Sent by: Lubos K
Year of publication: 2006
Source: TV Grab ČT
Masarykova T80
T.G. Masaryks' T80
Length: 1:37
Size 24 Mb
Sent by: Tominec
Year of publication: 2006
Source: TV Grab ČT
Rozbeh T613-1
The start of a T613-1
Length: 0:29
Size 15,2 Mb
Sent by: Etienne
Year of publication: 2006
Source: Etienne
Ecorra - Atmosfera v boxech
Ecorra - Box atmosphere
Length: 0:19
Size 6,8 Mb
Sent by: Tominec
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Tominec
Ecorra - Priprava spolujezdce
Ecorra - Co-driver preparation
Length: 0:09
Size 3 Mb
Sent by: Tominec
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Tominec
Ecorra - Srovnani zvuku Oktavky a Tatry
Ecorra - Octavia and Eccora sound comparison
Length: 0:10
Size 3,4 Mb
Sent by: Tominec
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Tominec
Ecorra - Lehky odpich z boxu
Ecorra - Light start from the box
Length: 0:05
Size 1,7 Mb
Sent by: Tominec
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Tominec
Ecorra - Tatra v akci 1
Ecorra - Tatra in action 1
Length: 0:37
Size 11,4 Mb
Sent by: Tominec
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Tominec
Ecorra - Tatra v akci 2
Ecorra - Tatra in action 2
Length: 0:40
Size 12,4 Mb
Sent by: Tominec
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Tominec
Tatra 77a ve hre Racer (video codec XviD)
Tatra 77a in Racer PC game
Length: 4:30
Size 18 Mb
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Archív
12 koní na Aljašku
12 horses to Alaska
Length: 22:49
Size 45 Mb/267 Mb
Year of publication: 2005
Source: TV Grab ČT
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Tatra v hudobných videoklipoch
Tatra in music videoclips
Length: 2:27
Size: MPEG-4 7,5 Mb/75 Mb DivX 14/15 MB
Year of publication: 2004
Source: Etienne
MPEG-4 Download
MPEG-4 Download in HIGH QUALITY Prehratie je možné vo WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER po stiahnuti CODECU TU.
DivX Download
DivX Download in HIGH QUALITY
Záchrana slovenskej strely
The rescue of the Slovenska strela
Length: 0:55
Size 7,5 Mb
Year of publication: 2005
Source: TV Grab ČT
Cesta T87 - Hanzelka a Zikmund
Trip with T87 - Hanzelka and Zikmund
Length: 14:50
Size 229 Mb
Year of publication: 2005
Source: TV Grab ČT
Mini-stretnutie Bratislava 2004 zostrih
Bratislava 2004 mini-meeting directors cut
Length: 0:54
Size 9 Mb
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Etienne
Stretnutie Lednice 2004 zostrih
Lednice 2004 meeting directors cut
Length: 03:44
Size 39 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Source: Tomas
Tatra 603 Šťastnou cestu 1962 reklama
Tatra 603 Good trip 1962 advertisment
Length: 12:28
Size 124 Mb
Year of publication: ?
Source: Archív
Besip a T613 chromka
Besip and a T613 chrome
Length: 0:22
Size 3,8 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Source: TV Grab ČT
Polygon 2002
Length: 0:43
Size 3,3 Mb
Year of publication: 2002
Source: TV Grab ČT
Reklama Sazka a M95 MiLong
Sazka advertisment and a M95 MiLong
Length: 0:30
Size 12,7 Mb
Year of publication: ?
Source: TV Grab ČT
Tatra 603 James Bond
Tatra 603 James Bond Theme
Length: 3:26
Size 124 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Source: ?
Trošku nečakanej pomoci od Tatry
A little bit unwanted help from a Tatra
Length: 0:12
Size 1 Mb
Year of publication: ?
Source: Archív
Mojžo a jeho videá T613-3
Mojzo's videos of his T613-3
Length: 0:44/0:04/0:05/0:05/0:04/0:07
Size 8,9/0,5/0,7/0,8/0,9/0,8 (Mb)
Year of publication: 2004
Source: Mojžo
Prvý pokus o spot na Tatru 613 od Jirku Jirouta
First attempt to make a spot for Tatra 613 from Jirka Jirout
Length: 1:30
Size 21 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Source: Jirka Jirout
Tatra monster truck
Tatra monster truck
Length: 1:08
Size 51 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Source: TV Grab NOVA
Upútavka k filmu Lemony Snicket's: "A series of unfortunate events"
The trailer for the movie Lemony Snicket's "A series of unfortunate events"
Length: 1:00
Size 8 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Nákladná Tatra ukazuje čo vie
A Tatra truck shows what it can
Length: 0:34
Size 10 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Source: Archív
Dokument o designerovi Václavovi Královi (Tatra MTX V8)
A document about the designer Václav Král (Tatra MTX V8)
Length: 16:14
Size 175 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Source: TV Grab ČT
Šeďo, jeho T613-3, Zlord boys a paródia na "Sabotage"
Šeďo, his T613-3, Zlord boys and the "Sabotage" parody
Length: 02:56
Size 56 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Source: Šeďo
Česká Televize : Hledáni ztraceného času - Tatry ve dvacátých letech
Czech Television: The search for lost time - Tatras in 20's
Length: 16:55
Size 149 Mb