Meniny ma Radúz.
Utorok, 10. December 2024, 21:35

Tatraportal  Nic

Slovensky English Deutsch

Kocka  Videos

Thumbnail Description Info Links
Tatra 623 Tatra 613 - dobová reportáž z nehody z roku 1984
Tatra 613 - report from a crash in 1984
Length: 00:28
Size 4,5 Mb
Sent by: Peter
Year of publication: 1984
Source: TV Grab:ČT24
Tatra 623 Tatra 623 - dobová reportáž z roku 1983
Tatra 623 - report from 1983
Length: 03:23
Size 23 Mb
Sent by: Peter
Year of publication: 1983
Source: TV Grab: ČT24
Rychlost ma cenu zlata Rychlost má cenu zlata
Speed has the price of gold
Length: 19:07
Size 159 Mb
Sent by: Peter
Year of publication: ?
Source: Archív
Hečkovci Hečkovci - Láska v praxi videoklip
Hečkovci - Láska v praxi music video
Length: 04:20
Size 21 Mb
Sent by: Petr613
Year of publication: 1987
Source: Archív
Kolin2008 Serie videi z akce Kolin 2008
Video series from Kolin 2008 meeting
Length: 19:24
Size 153 Mb
Sent by: DRracer
Year of publication: 2008
Source: DRracer
Kolin 2008
T138 lanovy autobagr
Modely v kamenolomu
Modely - navijak
Thankgod Videoklip Thank God It's Friday, ktorý obsahuje Tatru 603
Music Video Thank god it's friday, featuring Tatra 603
Length: 3:13
Size 52 Mb
Sent by: Cenda
Year of publication: 2007
Source: Cenda
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Wakeup Videoklip Wake Up, ktorý obsahuje Tatra 613
Music Video Wake Up, featuring a Tatra 613
Length: 5:09
Size 81 Mb
Sent by: Cenda
Year of publication: 2008
Source: Cenda
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Tatra 613-S a Tatra 613-2 v relácii Udalosti, fakty, komentáre
Tatra 613-S and Tatra 613-2 in the show Udalosti, fakty, komentáre
Length: 5:14
Size 55 Mb
Sent by: Etienne
Year of publication: 2007
Source: Etienne
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Akcia Červený kameň 2005, zostrih z celej akcie
Red rock 2005 event, whole event directors cut
Length: 4:11
Size 38 Mb/38 Mb
Sent by: Etienne
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Etienne
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Akcia Červený kameň 2005, zostrih z hradu
Red rock 2005 event, castle directors cut
Length: 3:32
Size 31 Mb/31 Mb
Sent by: Etienne
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Etienne
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Reklama na Nicorette
Nicorette advertising
Length: 0:30
Size 6,8 Mb
Sent by: Lubos K
Year of publication: 2006
Source: TV Grab ČT
Masarykova T80
T.G. Masaryks' T80
Length: 1:37
Size 24 Mb
Sent by: Tominec
Year of publication: 2006
Source: TV Grab ČT
Rozbeh T613-1
The start of a T613-1
Length: 0:29
Size 15,2 Mb
Sent by: Etienne
Year of publication: 2006
Source: Etienne
Ecorra - Atmosfera v boxech
Ecorra - Box atmosphere
Length: 0:19
Size 6,8 Mb
Sent by: Tominec
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Tominec
Ecorra - Priprava spolujezdce
Ecorra - Co-driver preparation
Length: 0:09
Size 3 Mb
Sent by: Tominec
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Tominec
Ecorra - Srovnani zvuku Oktavky a Tatry
Ecorra - Octavia and Eccora sound comparison
Length: 0:10
Size 3,4 Mb
Sent by: Tominec
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Tominec
Ecorra - Lehky odpich z boxu
Ecorra - Light start from the box
Length: 0:05
Size 1,7 Mb
Sent by: Tominec
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Tominec
Ecorra - Tatra v akci 1
Ecorra - Tatra in action 1
Length: 0:37
Size 11,4 Mb
Sent by: Tominec
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Tominec
Ecorra - Tatra v akci 2
Ecorra - Tatra in action 2
Length: 0:40
Size 12,4 Mb
Sent by: Tominec
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Tominec
Tatra 77a ve hre Racer (video codec XviD)
Tatra 77a in Racer PC game
Length: 4:30
Size 18 Mb
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Archív
12 koní na Aljašku
12 horses to Alaska
Length: 22:49
Size 45 Mb/267 Mb
Year of publication: 2005
Source: TV Grab ČT
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Tatra v hudobných videoklipoch
Tatra in music videoclips
Length: 2:27
Size: MPEG-4 7,5 Mb/75 Mb
DivX 14/15 MB
Year of publication: 2004
Source: Etienne
MPEG-4 Download
Prehratie je možné vo WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER po stiahnuti CODECU TU.
DivX Download
DivX Download in HIGH QUALITY
Záchrana slovenskej strely
The rescue of the Slovenska strela
Length: 0:55
Size 7,5 Mb
Year of publication: 2005
Source: TV Grab ČT
Cesta T87 - Hanzelka a Zikmund
Trip with T87 - Hanzelka and Zikmund
Length: 14:50
Size 229 Mb
Year of publication: 2005
Source: TV Grab ČT
Mini-stretnutie Bratislava 2004 zostrih
Bratislava 2004 mini-meeting directors cut
Length: 0:54
Size 9 Mb
Year of publication: 2005
Source: Etienne
Stretnutie Lednice 2004 zostrih
Lednice 2004 meeting directors cut
Length: 03:44
Size 39 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Source: Tomas
Tatra 603 Šťastnou cestu 1962 reklama
Tatra 603 Good trip 1962 advertisment
Length: 12:28
Size 124 Mb
Year of publication: ?
Source: Archív
Besip a T613 chromka
Besip and a T613 chrome
Length: 0:22
Size 3,8 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Source: TV Grab ČT
Polygon 2002 Length: 0:43
Size 3,3 Mb
Year of publication: 2002
Source: TV Grab ČT
Reklama Sazka a M95 MiLong
Sazka advertisment and a M95 MiLong
Length: 0:30
Size 12,7 Mb
Year of publication: ?
Source: TV Grab ČT
Tatra 603 James Bond
Tatra 603 James Bond Theme
Length: 3:26
Size 124 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Source: ?
Trošku nečakanej pomoci od Tatry
A little bit unwanted help from a Tatra
Length: 0:12
Size 1 Mb
Year of publication: ?
Source: Archív
Mojžo a jeho videá T613-3
Mojzo's videos of his T613-3
Length: 0:44/0:04/0:05/0:05/0:04/0:07
Size 8,9/0,5/0,7/0,8/0,9/0,8 (Mb)
Year of publication: 2004
Source: Mojžo
1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6
Prvý pokus o spot na Tatru 613 od Jirku Jirouta
First attempt to make a spot for Tatra 613 from Jirka Jirout
Length: 1:30
Size 21 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Source: Jirka Jirout
Tatra monster truck
Tatra monster truck
Length: 1:08
Size 51 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Source: TV Grab NOVA
Upútavka k filmu Lemony Snicket's: "A series of unfortunate events"
The trailer for the movie Lemony Snicket's "A series of unfortunate events"
Length: 1:00
Size 8 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Nákladná Tatra ukazuje čo vie
A Tatra truck shows what it can
Length: 0:34
Size 10 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Source: Archív
Dokument o designerovi Václavovi Královi (Tatra MTX V8)
A document about the designer Václav Král (Tatra MTX V8)
Length: 16:14
Size 175 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Source: TV Grab ČT
Šeďo, jeho T613-3, Zlord boys a paródia na "Sabotage"
Šeďo, his T613-3, Zlord boys and the "Sabotage" parody
Length: 02:56
Size 56 Mb
Year of publication: 2004
Source: Šeďo
Česká Televize : Hledáni ztraceného času - Tatry ve dvacátých letech
Czech Television: The search for lost time - Tatras in 20's
Length: 16:55
Size 149 Mb